
Lady Victoria represents a number of 501c3 groups.  As such, she is invited, on occasion, to bring along fellow historical costumers who agree to also represent the charity during a specific event.  If you have interest in any of the specific events listed below, please email:  LadyVictoria “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

Sat Sep 08, 2018

Lady Victoria of Essex invites you to “Come play a game of croquet!”

Summer might linger a bit longer, so let’s meet up for a picnic and a game of croquet and/or bocce!

Sat  Aug 25, 2018

South Sound Vintage Cars @ private property.

Details are still forthcoming.  Soon, there will be an era disclosed as to what the organizers would like Lady V and her entourage to wear.  If you’d like to view vintage cars and tour a private estate, please send her an email, noting the date in your query.

Sat Aug 18, 2018

Vintage Fashion Show.

Tentatively, those who are willing to “walk the catwalk” will be wearing Victorian through WWII.  Both men and women will be chosen.  If you have interest in participating, please email Lady V and mention the date in your query.

Sat Jul 15, 2018

Tour Private Gardens!  The range of attire is likely to range from “Edwardian Summer Whites” into the 1930’s.  Details are being worked out by the charity’s organizers.  If you have interest in participating, please email Lady V and mention the date in your query.

To communicate your interest in participating in any of the gatherings, please email:  LadyVictoria “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

Attendance IS limited and the number of allowed participants may have been reached by the time you read this notice….