Saturday, August 25, 2018
10am – 4pm

If you’ve never visited the “home grounds” of local legend and car collector Mr. LeMay, this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss attending with Lady Victoria of Essex!
Lady Victoria has once again be requested to represent the LeMay Family at Marymount in 2018. In years previous, she and Sir Harry of Essex hob-nobbed with the local glitteratti and the general public during this large event. This year, you too, are invited to attend for FREE as part of Lady Victoria’s entourage!
At this moment of writing, it has not yet been revealed which vehicle will be the Featured Car for this event. In the past, Lady V showed up in era-appropriate attire to support the Featured Car’s appearance on site and for photo ops with that vehicle. When details are available, you will be told and you can coordinate your attire for that era, if you so desire. Otherwise, coming in historical attire and having your name on Lady V’s Registered List with organizers, will get you in free.
Additionally, we will be allowed to visit the structures at the LeMay’s home to view their collectibles – an amazing assortment of dolls, tools, other toys and machinery too numerous to mention!
Details of the gathering will be emailed to the participants, once the organizers have shared them with Lady Victoria.
To secure your entry, please be sure to email your notice of interest to:
LadyVictoria “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com
Updated: June 14, 2018